waiting game

美 [ˈweɪtɪŋ ɡeɪm]英 [ˈweɪtɪŋ ɡeɪm]
  • n.伺机而动的策略

复数: waiting games

waiting gamewaiting game


a policy of waiting to see how a situation develops before you decide how to act

waiting game


  • 1
    N-COUNT 拖延战术
    If you play a waiting game, you deal with a situation by deliberately doing nothing, because you believe you will gain an advantage by acting later, or because you are waiting to see how other people are going to act.

    He's playing a waiting-game. He'll hope to hang on as long as possible until the pressure is off.



a strategy of delay


  1. They 've both asked her to go out with them , but Vera is playing a waiting game until she finds out which one of her suitors has the most money !


  2. Turning one 's life into a waiting game requires faith and hope , and is strictly for the optimists among us .


  3. One advantage is that she can play a waiting game .


  4. He begins a new game , a waiting game .


  5. The waiting game has gone on long enough .


  6. His brother knew how to play a waiting game .


  7. This effectively makes the whole rescue effort a very inefficient waiting game .


  8. Servers play the waiting game , just waiting for an incoming connection .


  9. American voters and politicians seem stuck in a nervous waiting game .


  10. ' We 'll play a waiting game , and let Michael make the first move , 'I said .


  11. Mr. Hague said the standoff could amount to a waiting game of months or even years .


  12. As China 's PDA makers battle for market share , cautious global giants play a waiting game .


  13. Some of you may be playing a waiting game for another month , while others may find themselves in labor very soon .


  14. But later , Lin delivered an emotional speech in Taiwan titled " The Waiting Game . "


  15. Mr Smith has to justify a " waiting game " to his more impetuous followers .


  16. Now Damon and wife Michelle are playing the waiting game for the couple 's first child , due in mid-January .


  17. The waiting game continues and we are exerting more pressure than ever on the dark Ones , to withdraw from the impossible situation they are in .


  18. Effects of Male Obesity on the Physiological and Metabolic Reaction in Acute Endurance Exercise of Differing Intensity ; Which can play a waiting game better , men or women ?


  19. Until recently China seemed to be playing an intelligent waiting game – relying on its growing economic strength to draw its neighbours inexorably into a Chinese sphere of influence .


  20. Having established footholds in the market , foreign banks are playing a waiting game , hoping that regulations ease and give them a fair shot at the growing market .


  21. The Wolf is very sick ; it will be all the holes after touring and export all block , then hides in the waiting game .


  22. Until newer , better technology is adopted across the board in the airline industry , finding out what exactly went wrong in situations such as these is likely to remain a waiting game .


  23. If technological competition is mainly R & D effort-consuming , the game of quality competition changes its nature form preemption to a waiting game with second-mover advantage when long product life span .


  24. He should 've done the same this time after interviews with Kellogg and Tuck , but he was trying to prevent the waiting game from consuming him as it had the time before , he says .


  25. The waiting game : phil Hughes has some time on his hands , awaiting a New York examination on the strained left hamstring that ended his bid at a no-hitter on Tuesday in texas .


  26. I was in my favorite watering hole , waiting for the game to start .


  27. Sitting in the bleachers at a soccer game , or waiting for a game to come on , or puttering around the house , they 're somewhat bored , and willing to do something that seems semi-productive .


  28. You kept me waiting to play a game on your phone ?


  29. The first player who succeeds in bringing his6 pirates to the end of the passage and aboard a waiting sloop wins the game .
